Grants and Fellowships
​2023-2027: ANR (French national agency for research). Project “MATCH” (PI: O. Grynszpan, LISN, UMR 9015; 694 K€). Partners: M. Auvray, C. Pelachaud (ISIR, UMR 7222), I. Thouvenin (UTC, Compiègne).
2023-2027: ANR (French National agency for research). Project "NeuroHCI" (PI G. Bailly, ISIR, UMR 7222; 614 K€). Partners: M. Auvray, J. Gori, B. Caramiaux, D. Gueorguiev, S. Haliyo, B. Girard, M. Khamassi, E. Guigon, N. Jarrasse, G. Morel (ISIR, UMR 7222).
2021-2023: AAP Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau (FRC). Project “I-space” (PI: M. Auvray; 80 K€). Partners: M. Chetouani, D. Cohen (ISIR), S. Tordjman (Centre Hospitalier Guillaume Renier, Rennes 1).
2020: AAP CNRS INS2I Emergence. Project “Multimodal simulation of touch: Application to virtual agents” (PI: M. Auvray; 12 K€). Partners: C. Pelachaud, V. Hayward (ISIR).
2018-2021: ANR (French national agency for research) JCJC. Project “BYCEPS” (PI: N. Jarasse, ISIR, UMR 7222; 231 K€). Partners: M. Auvray, A. Roby-Brami (ISIR, UMR 7222), A. Touillet (IRR Nancy).
2018-2019: Occulus VR. Project “Distal projection of tactile sensations from oculomotor signals” (PI: V. Hayward, ISIR, UMR 7222; 116 K$). Partners: M. Auvray (ISIR, UMR 7222), O. Deroy, B. Smith (University of London).
2018: Program Auton from the CNRS (MI, Mission for Interdisciplinarity). Renewal for consortium Subilma (PI: F. Sarlegna, ISM, UMR 7287; 24 K€).
2017-2019: Grant from the Labex SMART. Project “SAHMI” (PI: G. Bailly, ISIR, UMR 7222; 186,5 K€). Partners: M. Auvray, Y. Jansen, S. Haliyo (ISIR, UMR 7222), C. Lenay (UTC Compiègne).
2017: Program Auton from the CNRS (MI). Renewal for the consortium Subilma (PI: N. Jarasse, ISIR, UMR 7222; 35 K€).
2016-2020: ANR (French national agency for research). Project “Developmental Tool Mastery” (PI: A. Farnè, ImpAct, U864; 412, 3 K€). Partners: A. Roy (ImpAct, U864), F. de Vignemont (IJN, UMR 8129), M. Auvray, V. Hayward (ISIR, UMR 7222).
2016-2020: ANR (French national agency for research) JCJC. Project “I-gait” (PI: W. Bachta, ISIR, UMR 7222; 235 K€). Partners: M. Auvray, N. Jarasse (ISIR, UMR 7222), R. Reynolds (University of Birmingham).
2016: Program Auton from the CNRS (MI). Consortium Subilma (PI: N. Jarasse, ISIR, UMR 7222; 35 K€). Partners similar to the consortium Supplé-Sens 2014 & 2015.
2015: Program Auton from the CNRS (MI). Consortium Supplé-Sens (PI: M. Auvray, ISIR, UMR 7222; 35 K€). Partners similar to the consortium Supplé-Sens 2014.
2014: Program DEFI-SENS from the CNRS (MI). Project “Perceptual deficiencies and multimodal supplementation” (PI: M. Auvray, LIMSI, UPR 3251; 35 K€). Partners: F. Sarlegna (ISM, UMR 7287), K. O’Regan (LPP, UMR 8242),
I. Fasiello (ISIR, UMR 7222), P. Barone (CerCo, UMR 5549), F. Matonti (INT, UMR 7289), G. Parseihian (LMA, UPR 7051), I. Viaud-Delmon (IRCAM, UMR 9912), O. Deroy (University of London), J. Cole (Poole Hospital), C. Miall (University of Birmingham).
2013-2015: Grant from the Centre Francilien de l’Innovation. Project “Elaboration and evaluation of a visuo-tactile supplementation device for blind persons” (PI: M. Auvray, LIMSI, UPR 3251; 23 K€). Partners: Company Caylar, Ile de France.
2013: Program DEFI-SENS from the CNRS (MI). Project “Optimisation of sensory substitution devices using crossmodal correspondences” (PI: M. Auvray, LIMSI, UPR 3251; 30 K€). Partners: O. Deroy (University of London), S. Hanneton (CNPP, UMR 8119), K. O’Regan (LPP, UMR 8242), I. Fasiello (ISIR, UMR 7222), F. de Vignemont (IJN, UMR 8129).
2012: Program DEFI-SENS from the CNRS (MI). Project “Fundamental challenges for perceptual supplementation”
(PI: M. Auvray, LIMSI, UPR 3251; 20 K€). Partners: O. Deroy (University of London), S. Hanneton (CNPP, UMR 8119), K. O’Regan (LPP, UMR 8242), V. Hayward (ISIR, UMR 7222).
2011-2014: ANR (French national agency for research), JCJC. Project “FRESCO. Frames of Reference in Spatial Cognition”
(PI: M. Auvray, LIMSI, UPR 3251; 169,94 K€). Partners: J. Dokic, F. de Vignemont (IJN, UMR 8129), M. Ammi, S. Caillou (LIMSI, UPR 3251), C. Spence (Oxford University).
2009-2011: ANR (French national agency for research). Project “NAVIG. Navigation aided by artificial vision and GNSS”
(PI: C. Jouffrais, IRIT, UMR 5505; 109 K€). Partners: S. Thorpe (CerCo, UMR 5549), M. Auvray, M. Denis, B. Katz (LIMSI, UPR 3251), Navocap, Institut des Jeunes Aveugles.
2008-2010: Post-doctoral Fellowship Marie Curie (Intra European Fellowship).
2006-2007: Post-doctoral Fellowship FWO (Belgium).
2005-2006: Post-doctoral Fellowship Lavoisier, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2004: Fellowship from the Fondation de France (to develop a project based on the technologies of sensory substitution).
2001-2004: Ph.D. Fellowship from the A.N.R.T. (French National Association for Technical Research).
2000-2001: Master 2 fellowship, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
Grants obtained for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers working under my supervision
2020-2023: Ph.D. grant CIFRE, in collaboration with the company Ubisoft, for R. Poivet (36 months).
2016: Post-doctoral grant from the Labex SMART, in co-supervision with N. Jarasse (ISIR), for G. Arnold (12 months).
2015-2018: Ph.D. grant CIFRE, in co-supervision with J. Lafraire (Institut Paul Bocuse), in collaboration with the company Pernod Ricard, for J. Roque (36 months).
2015-2017: Post-doctoral fellowship CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentine), in collaboration with C. Arias (Cordoba, Argentine), for L. Fernandez (24 months).
2014-2015: Post-doctoral fellowship from Foundation des Aveugles de Guerre, for G. Arnold (12 months).
2013-2015: Post-doctoral fellowship from the foundation Fyssen, for J. Hartcher O’Brien (24 months).