Communications in international conferences with proceedings are indicated with an asterisk.
* Auvray, M., De Lagarde, A., Boucaud, F., Kirsch, L., Thouvenin, I., & Pelachaud, C. (2024). Sonifying tactile interactions and their underlying emotions: experimental studies and applications in virtual reality. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 22-25 May 2024, Ghent, Belgium.
* De Lagarde, A., Kirsch, L., Von Mohr, M., & Auvray, M. (2024). The influence of schizotypal traits on spatial and emotional perspective taking. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 22-25 May 2024, Ghent, Belgium.
* Ciaunica, A., Ayache, J., Haggard, P., Nakul, E., Bonnet, E., & Auvray, M. (2024). The influence of depersonalization on the sense of agency and time perception. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 22-25 May 2024, Ghent, Belgium.
Ayache, J., Becattini, V., Severs, L., Nakul, E., Auvray, M., Ciaunica, A. (2023). The influence of depersonalization on agency and perception of time. Timing Research Forum (TRF3), 4-6 October 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
* Poivet, R., Pelachaud, C., & Auvray, M. (2023). The influence of conversational agents’ role and behaviors on narrative experiences. In: International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA’23), 19-22 September, 2023, Würzburg, Germany, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
* Abrini, M., Auvray, M., Chetouani, M. (2023). Humans' spatial perspective-taking when interacting with a Robotic Arm. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 28-31 August 2023, Busan, South Korea. doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN57019.2023.10309579
* Auvray, M. (2023). Hearing tactile interactions, visualizing sounds, touching distances: Current directions in sensory conversion research. ALIFE, Ghost in the Machine, the 2023 Conference on Artificial Life, 24-28 July 2023, Sapporo, Japan (Keynote).
* Auvray, M., De Lagarde, A., Pelachaud, C., & Kirsch, L. (2023). Social touch at a distance: Recognizing tactile gestures and their emotional content through auditory signals. Festival of Touch, 4-7 July 2023, Marseille, France.
Ayache, J., Becattini, V., Severs, L., Nakul, E., Auvray, M., Ciaunica, A. (2023). Lost agency: The effect of depersonalization on time perception and intentional binding. Pathologies of Self-Awareness, 13-14 April, Paris, France.
Auvray, M. (2023). The influence of sensory deficits and social cognition on spatial perspective-taking. Workshop: integrating current views on perspective-taking, 7-8 March 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
* Auvray, M. (2023). The influence of sensory and social factors on spatial perspective taking. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS). 9th-11th March 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
Auvray, M. (2022). Taking my perspective or yours? The influence of sensory, interoceptive, and social factors. Workshop: Interacting Agents in Natural and Artificial Environments, 13-14 October, Lisbon, Portugal.
* Auvray, M., De Lagarde, A., Pelachaud, C., & Kirsch, L. (2022). Recognizing movements and emotions when substituting social touch with auditory signals. The European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 29 August - 01 September, Lille, France.
* Rohou-Claquin, B., Auvray, M., Le Carrou, JL., Gueorguiev, D. (2022). Perception of guitar strings on a flat visuo-haptic display. In: Saitis, C., Farkhatdinov, I., Papetti, S. (Eds). Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13417 (pp. 216-224). Springer, Cham. doi. 10.1007/978-3-031-15019-7_13. Proceedings of HAID 2022, 25-26 August 2022, London, UK.
* Kirsch, L., Baiano, C., Job, X., & Auvray, M. (2022). Interactions between interoception and perspective taking: Current state of research and future directions. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN), 19-22 July, Vienna, Austria.
* Auvray, M., De Lagarde, A., Pelachaud, C., & Kirsch, L. (2022). Social touch at a distance: recognizing types of skin-to-skin touch and their emotional content through auditory signals. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN), 19-22 July, Vienna, Austria.
* De Lagarde, A., Kirsch, L., Pelachaud, C., & Auvray, M. (2022). Perceiving emotions when substituting tactile signals with auditory ones. International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), 15-18 July, Los Angeles, USA.
* Poivet, R., Auvray, M, & Pelachaud, C. (2022). The coherence between appearance and behaviors affects intelligence and believability attribution to emotionally hostile characters. International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), 15-18 July, Los Angeles, USA.
* Auvray, M. (2022). Juggling self-centred and other-centred perspectives: influence of sensory deficits and social cognition. International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 04-07 July, ULM, Germany.
* Ramasamy, A., Faux, D., Hayward, V., Auvray, M., Job, X., & Kirsch, L. (2022). Human self-touch vs other-touch resolved by machine learning. In Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13235 (pp. 216-224). Springer, Cham. doi. 10.1007/978-3-031-06249-0_25. Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2022, 22-25 May, Hamburg, Germany.
* Auvray, M., Job, X., & Kirsch, L. (2021). Individual differences in spatial perspective-taking: The role of personality traits and interoceptive abilities. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 23-26 June, Online Conference.
* Kirsch, L., Job, X., Hayward, V., & Auvray, M. (2021). Measuring tactile interactions through skin-to-skin friction-induced vibrations. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 23-26 June, Online Conference.
Auvray, M. (2019). Flexibility of tactile perspective taking: juggling self-centred and other-centred perspectives. Self-Perception in Humans and Artificial Agents (Disself II). 23 October, Porto, Portugal
* Auvray, M.. Kechabia, Y., Arnold, G., & Jarasse, N. (2019). Providing proprioceptive feedback by means of vibrotactile stimuli: A way to improve body integration of a prosthetic arm. IEEE World Haptics Conference. 09-12 July, Tokyo, Japan.
Auvray, M. (2019). A unity of the self or a multiplicity of locations? Studies on spatial perspective taking in touch. From Skin to Self. European Somatosensation and Body Representation Meeting. 01-02 April, London, UK.
Kirsch, L., Job, X., Risch, N., Hayward, V. & Auvray, M. (2019). The numbness illusion: A new way to look at body plasticity. From Skin to Self. European Somatosensation and Body Representation Meeting. 01-02 April, London, UK (poster).
Job, X., Kirsch, L., Inard, S., Arnold, G., & Auvray, M. (2019). Flexibility of tactile perspective taking: Individual differences matter. From Skin to Self. European Somatosensation and Body Representation Meeting. 01-02 April, London, UK (poster).
* Roque, J., Lafraire, J., & Auvray, M. (2018). Audiovisual crossmodal correspondences between bubbles’ size and pouring sounds’ pitch in carbonated beverages. International Multisensory Research Forum. 14-17 June, Toronto, Canada (Poster).
* Auvray, M., & Arnold, G., Pesnot-Lerousseau, J. (2018). Training-induced plasticity with a visual-to-auditory conversion system. Seeing the thunder while still hearing it. International Multisensory Research Forum. 14-17 June, Toronto, Canada.
Auvray, M. (2018). Taxonomizing the sense modalities without circularity. Workshop: The Philosophy of Multisensory Perception, 14 June, Toronto, Canada.
* Auvray, M., & Arnold, G., & Pesnot-Lerousseau, J. (2018). Seeing the thunder while still hearing it. Functional plasticity with sensory substitution devices. European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition. 7-9 June, Padova, Italy.
* Auvray, M., & Arnold, G. (2017). Differences in the way sighted, early, and late-blind people mentally represent tactile stimuli from inside or from outside the body. 4th International Symposium Low Vision and the Brain, 24-26 November, Berlin, Germany.
Auvray, M. (2017). Les processus spatiaux impliqués dans la substitution sensorielle, Séminaire du Neuroscience Research Centre of Lyon, INSERM U1028, CNRS UMR529, 19 June, Lyon (Bron).
Auvray, M. (2017). Multisensory and spatial processes in sensory substitution. Séminaire du Laboratoire de Neurosciences Intégratives et Adaptatives, UMR 7260, 24 October, Marseille
Auvray, M. (2017). Multisensory and spatial processes in sensory substitution, Séminaire du Laboratoire de Psychologie, 19 June, Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
* Roque, J., Lafraire, J., & Auvray, M. (2017). Investigating the multisensory perception of freshness in beverages: the case of audio-visual interactions. International Multisensory Reseach Forum, 19-22 May, Nashville, USA.
* Auvray, M., & Arnold, G. (2016). Taking into account individual differences in multisensory processing between sighted and visually impaired people to improve sensory substitution. Israelian Society for Neuroscience, 4-6 December, Eilat, Israel.
* Arnold, G., & Auvray, M. (2016). The influence of blindness and short-term visual deprivation on spatial cognition. Israelian Society for Neuroscience, 4-6 December, Eilat, Israel (poster).
Auvray, M. (2016). Multisensory perception and spatial cognition: Taking into account individual differences to improve sensory substitution. Workshop Computational Touch, 8-9 September, Paris, France.
* Arnold, G., & Auvray, M. (2016). Design and use of sensory substitution devices: differences between sighted and visually impaired people. International Congress of Psychology, 24-29 July, Yokohama, Japan.
* Auvray, M., & Arnold, G. (2016). Perceiving tactile objects from inside or from outside the body: sighted and visually impaired people differ in the way they mentally represent space from different perspectives. Association of the Scientific Study of Consciousness, 13-18 June, Buenos Aires, Argentina (poster).
* Auvray, M., & Arnold, G. (2016). Learning to use sensory substitution devices: individual specificities and differences between sighted and visually impaired people. European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition, 6-8 June, Paris, France.
* Arnold, G., & Auvray, M. (2016). Blind and sighted people differ in the way they mentally represent space from different perspectives. European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition, 6-8 June, Paris, France (poster).
* Roque, J., Auvray, M., Garrel, C., & Lafraire, J. (2016). The multisensory perceptions of flavour and freshness: a new perspective. British Feeding and Drinking Group, 08 April, London, UK.
Auvray, M. (2016). Replacing one modality by another: Learning to use sensory substitution devices. Séminaire de l’Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, 03 March, Marseille, France.
Auvray, M., & Deroy, O. (2015). Audio-tactile crossmodal correspondences in sighted, early, and late blind people., 18 December, PUC: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Auvray, M. (2015). Where I am? Studies on spatial perspective in the tactile sensory modality., 14 December, PUC: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Auvray, M. (2015). Multisensory perception., 13 November, Lyon, France.
* Hartcher-O’Brien, J., Auvray, M., & Hayward, V. (2015). Perception of distance-to-obstacle through time-delayed tactile feedback. World haptics Conference, 22-26 June, Evanston, IL, USA.
*Arnold, G., Hartcher-O’Brien, J., Hayward, V., Spence, C., & Auvray, M. (2015). Where am I? Investigating which perspectives are taken on ambiguous tactile symbols. 16th International Multisensory Research Forum, 13-16 June, Pisa, Italy.
* Hartcher-O’Brien, J., Auvray, M., & Hayward, V. (2015). Access to visual distance via a time-delayed tactile feedback device. 16th Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 13-16 June, Pisa, Italy.
* Beaudry-Richard, A., Harrar, V., Auvray, M., Spence, C., Kupers, R., & Ptito, M. (2015). The multisensory substitution device: replacing vision with multisensory perception16th Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 13-16 June, Pisa, Italy (poster).
Auvray, M. (2015). Sensory substitution and augmentation in visual rehabilitation., 20 April, PUC: Rio de Janeiro,Brasil.
Auvray, M. (2015). Changing spatial and mental perspective: Studies in touch.17 April, PUC: Rio de Janeiro,Brasil.
Arnold, G., & Auvray, M. (2014). Perceptual learning, crossmodal interactions, and spatial reference frames: Implications for sensory substitution. Journée Robotique et Neuroscience, 17 December, Paris, France.
Sarlegna, F., & Auvray, M. (2014). Déficience perceptive et suppléance multimodale. Technologies appliquées au handicap: de la compensation à la participation, DVS Defisens, 26 September, Paris, France.
* Auvray, M., Deroy, O., Fasiello, I., & Hayward, V. (2014). Crossmodal correspondences between pitch and tactile movement in sighted, early, and late blind people. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, 16-19 September, Noto, Sicily.
Arnold, G., & Auvray, M. (2014). The left-side bias in tactile recognition is modulated by the adopted reference frame. 4th North Sea Meeting on Brain Asymmetries, 10-14 September, Durham, UK (poster).
Girard, A., Auvray, M., Ammi, M. (2014). Collaborative metaphor for haptic designation in complex 3D environments. ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (proceedings, pp. 31-37, doi: 10.1145/2628257.2628262), 08-09 August, Vancouver, Canada.
* Hartcher-O'Brien, J., Terekhov, A., Auvray, M., & Hayward, V. (2014). Haptic shape constancy across distance. Eurohaptics, 24-26 June, Versailles, France (poster).
* Arnold, G., & Auvray, M. (2014). Tactile symbol recognition: Specificity versus generalization of learning. 15th Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 11-14 June, Amsterdam, Netherlands (poster).
* Hartcher -O’Brien, J., & Auvray, M. (2014). The bi-stable palm: clockwise versus counter-clockwise tactile motion perception.15th Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 11-14 June, Amsterdam, Netherlands (poster).
Auvray, M. (2014). Questioning the use of sensory substitution devices at the behavioral, neurophysiological and phenomenal levels.Seminar of the Paris Consciousness/Self-consciousness [PaCS], 31 March, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France.
Auvray, M. (2014). Learning to use sensory substitution devices. Seminar Paris Ouest, 19 March, Nanterre, France.
* Auvray, M. (2014). Replacing one sense by another: Learning to use sensory substitution devices. Symposium on Cerebral visual injury: dysfunction, plasticity, restoration and rehabilitation; held during the 4th International Scientific Conference Restauración Neurológica, 5-7 March, La Habana, Cuba.
* Auvray, M. (2014). Replacing one sense by another: learning to use a sensory substitution device. Neuroeng2014, 2-3 February, Adelaide, Australia.
* Auvray, M., & Arnold, G. (2014). Perceptual learning of tactile letters transfers across body surfaces. Australasian Neuroscience Society (ANS), 28-31 January, Adelaide, Australia (poster).
Auvray, M. (2014). L’apprentissage des dispositifs de suppléance perceptive. Colloque Perception Augmentée et Multimodale, 15 January, Paris, France.
Auvray, M. (2013). Spatial cognition and sensory substitution. Research Conference on ‘Sensory Substitution, Brain Plasticity and Visual Rehabilitation’, 6-9 June 2013, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
* Arnold, G., Hartcher, J., Spence, C., & Auvray, M. (2013). The cost of adopting and adapting tactile frames of reference. 14th Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 3-6 June 2013, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
* Deroy, O., Fasiello, I., Hayward, V., & Auvray, M. (2013). Audio-tactile crossmodal correspondances. 14th Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 3-6 June 2013, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
* Hartcher, J. Spence, C., & Auvray, M. (2013). Frames of reference at the tip of your fingers and in the palm of your hand. 14th Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 3-6 June 2013, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
* Deroy, O., & Auvray, M. (2013). A new Molyneux’s problem: Sounds, shapes and arbitrary crossmodal correspondences. Shapes 2.3: The shape of things. 3-4 April 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil.
Auvray, M. & Deroy, O. (2013). Audio-visual substitution. Sensory Substitution and Augmentation Conference, 26-28 March, British Academy, London.
Auvray, M. (2013). Distal attribution in sensory substitution. Seminar From Perceptual interaction to extended cognition, 22-25 January 2013, Compiègne, France.
Auvray, M. (2012). Substitution sensorielle : verrous et prospective. Defisens: Audiovis, 15-17 novembre 2012, Toulouse.
* Girard, A., Ammi, M., & Auvray, M. (2012). Haptic designation strategy for collaborative molecular modeling. IEEE 2012 Interational Symposium on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and Games (HAVE 2012), October, Munich, Germany.
* Auvray, M., & Deroy, O. (2012). The vertical integration of sensory substitution devices. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, 28-31 August, London, UK.
* Auvray, M., Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2012). Crossmodal change blindness between touch, vision, and audition. 30th International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 22-27 July, Capetown, South Africa.
* Auvray, M. (2012). Beyond vision: Integrating sensory substitution devices. 30th International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 22-27 July, Capetown, South Africa.
* Auvray, M., Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2012). Crossmodal change blindness between vision, touch, and audition: the influence of the task. Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC 16), 2-6 July, Brighton, UK (poster).
* Auvray, M., & Deroy, O. (2012). Interpreting sensory substitution beyond the perceptual assumption: An analogy with reading.13th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 19-22 June, Oxford, UK.
Auvray, M. (2012). Spatial cognition and sensory substitution. Mind and Perception Research Seminar, 23 April, Glasgow, Scotland.
Auvray, M. (2012). Interactions crossmodales. Séminaire du Laboratoire Vision, Action, Cognition, Université Paris Descartes, 26 March, Boulogne Billancourt, France.
Auvray, M. (2012). A commentary of Randy Flanagan ‘on sensorimotor learning’. Workshop-Perceptual Learning and Perceptual Recognition I, 19-20 March, York University, U.K.
Auvray, M. (2012). Interactions crossmodales : L’exemple de la cécité aux changements. Séminaire de l’ETIS, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, 16 March, Cergy-Pontoise, France.
* Girard, A., Ammi, M., Simard, J., & Auvray, M. (2012). Improvement of collaborative selection in 3D complex environments. IEEE Haptics Symposium, 4-7 March, Vancover, Canada (pp. 281-288).
Auvray, M. (2012). Cognition spatiale et substitution sensorielle. Seminaire Interactions Situées, University Paris IV, 24 February, Paris, France.
* Forma, V., Hoellinger, T., Auvray, M., Roby-Brami, A., & Hanneton, S. (2011). Ears on the hand: reaching 3D audio targets. SKILLS 2011, 15-16 December, Montpellier, France (Poster).
Auvray, M. & Deroy, O. (2011). Understanding sensory substitution devices beyond the perceptual assumption. Neuroscience Seminar, 17 November, Trinity College, Hartford, USA.
Deroy, O., & Auvray, M. (2011). Synesthesia and parasitic qualia. Cognitive Science Seminar, CUNY, 11 November, New York, USA.
* Auvray, M., Gallace, A., Yoshida, T., & Spence, C. (2011). Tactile change blindness induced by tactile and visual distractors. 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 17-20 October, Fukuoka, Japan (poster).
Auvray, M., & Deroy, O. (2011). Understanding sensory substitution devices beyond the perceptual assumption. Workshop Feelings, Perception, and Action, 6-7 October, ENS, Paris.
Auvray, M., & Deroy, O. (2011). Integrating sensory substitution devices: An analogy with reading. Seminar of the Sensory Research Forum, Institute of Philosophy, 6 October, London, UK.
* Simard, J., Ammi, M., & Auvray, M. (2011). How to improve group performances on collocated synchronous manipulation tasks. In Proceedings of Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC). 20-21 September, Nottingham, UK (pp. 91-94).
* Auvray, M. (2011). Perceiving with compensatory devices: Quasi-vision or new sensory modality? American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, 20-23 April, San Diego, USA.
* Simard, J., Ammi, M., & Auvray, M. (2010). Closely coupled collaboration for search tasks. Virtual Reality, Software and Technology (VRST), 22-24 November, Hong-Kong, China (ISBN: 978-1-4503-0441-2; Poster).
* Simard, J., Ammi, M., & Auvray, M. (2010). Study of synchronous and colocated collaboration for search tasks. Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC), 27-29 September, Stuttgart, Germany.
* Auvray, M., Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2010). Cécité aux changements et multimodalité. Cognition, émotion et société, 52ème congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, 7-9 September, Lille, France.
* Auvray, M., Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2010). Which frame of reference is adopted when interpreting tactile letters presented on the body surface? 12thEuropean Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC), 16-19 June, Helsinki, Finland.
* Gallay, M., Denis, M., Parseihian, G., & Auvray, M. (2010). Egocentric and allocentric reference frames in a virtual auditory environment: Differences in navigation skills between blind and sighted individuals. 12th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC), 16-19 June, Helsinki, Finland.
Auvray, M. (2010). Perceptual interactions in a minimalist tactile environment. Seminar of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Cologne, 15 April, Cologne, Germany.
Deroy, O., & Auvray, M. (2010). A new look on sensory extensions. Workshop on Sensory Substitution, Synaesthesia, Sensation, and Perception, Institute of Philosophy, 31 March, London, UK.
Auvray, M. (2010). Cross-modal change blindness. Seminar of the Sensory Research Forum, Institute of Philosophy, 30 March, London, UK.
Auvray, M. (2010). Percevoir avec des dispositifs de compensation : de la substitution sensorielle à l’extension sensorimotrice. Phiteco, 18-24 January, Compiègne, France.
*Auvray, M., Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2009). What perspective do people take when interpreting tactile letters presented on their bodies? 10th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 29 July - 2 August, New-York, USA (poster).
* Auvray, M., Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2009). Short term memory for tactile stimuli presented on the fingertips and across the body surface. 10th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 29 July - 2 August, New-York, USA (poster).
* Auvray, M., Hoellinger, T., Roby-Brami, A., & Hanneton, S. (2009). Perceptual weight judgments when viewing own and other’s movements under minimalist conditions of visual presentation. 10th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 29 July - 2 August, New-York, USA (poster).
Auvray, M., & Myin, E. (2009). Perception with compensatory devices: From sensory substitution to sensorimotor extension. The Senses Research Workshop, 19-21 June, Paris, France.
Auvray, M. (2009). NAVIG: Navigation Assisted by artificial VIsion and GNSS. International Workshop on Mental Imagery, Spatial Cognition, and Language (MICL 2009), in honour of Michel Denis, 12 June, Padova, Italy.
Auvray, M. (2009). Perceptual interactions in a minimalist environment. The Third Cargese Consciousness Summer School, Consciousness of the Self - Consciousness of the Others, 25 May - 4 June, Cargese, France.
Auvray, M. (2009). Replacing one sense by another: Sensory substitution and the classification of our sensory modalities. Key Issues in Sensory Augmentation Workshop, 26-27 March, Brighton, UK.
* Auvray, M., Hoellinger, T., & Hanneton, S. (2008). Sensory substitution and the taxonomy of our sensory modalities. 9th Annual Meeting of International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 16-19 July, Hamburg, Germany.
* Hoellinger, T., Auvray, M., Roby-Brami, A. & Hanneton, S. (2008). Localisation tasks with a three-dimensional audio-motor coupling based on an electromagnetic motion capture device. 9th Annual Meeting of International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 16-19 July, Hamburg, Germany (poster).
Auvray, M. (2008). Remplacer un sens par un autre : les dispositifs de substitution sensorielle [Replacing one sensory modality by another: Sensory substitution devices]. 9ème Journée de la Vision, SFOP, 13 April, Paris, France.
Auvray, M. (2008). The multisensory nature of spatial attention: Crossmodal change blindness between vision, touch, and audition. Séminaire du Laboratoire de Neurophysique et Physiologie, 28 January, Paris, France.
Auvray, M. (2007). Perception spatiale et multisensorialité: Espaces réels et espaces virtuels [Spatial and multisensory perception: Real spaces and virtual spaces]. Séminaire du LIMSI: CHM et VENISE, 04 December, Orsay, France.
Gallace, A., Auvray, M., Hartcher-O’Brien, J., Tan, H. Z., & Spence, C. (2007). The effect of visual, auditory, and tactile distractors on people’s awareness of tactile change. Body Representation Workshop, 8-10 October, Rovereto, Italy.
* Auvray, M., Myin, E., & Spence, C. (2007). Crossmodal change blindness and the multisensory nature of spatial attention. International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA 14), 1-6 July, Yokohama, Japan.
* Lenay, C., Stewart, J., Ali Ammar, A., & Auvray, M. (2007). Direct perception of an intentional subject: A minimalist approach. International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA 14), 1-6 July, Yokohama, Japan (poster).
* Auvray, M. (2007). Enaction and sensory substitution. Philosophy of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Psychology, 25 March, Bristol, UK.
Auvray, M. (2007). Cognition spatiale et appropriation d’outils [Spatial cognition and tool use]. Séminaire du LIMSI: CHM et VENISE, 06 March, Orsay, France.
Lenay, C., Auvray, M., Sebbah, F.-D., & Stewart J. (2006). Perception of an intentional subject: An enactive approach, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Enactive Interface, 20-21 November, Montpellier, France, pp. 37-38.
Auvray, M. (2006). Perception, interaction, and mutual recognition in sensory substitution. Action in Mind, The 6th Annual Conference on the Philosophy of Consciousness of the University of Antwerp, 21 October, Antwerp, Belgium.
* Lenay, C., Auvray, M., Thouvenin, I., & Sebbah, F. D. (2006). Enactive approach to the recognition of an intentional subject. Situated Cognition: Perspectives From Phenomenology and Science, 18-20 August, Durham, UK.
* Auvray, M., Lenay, C., & Stewart, J. (2006). The recognition of others in a simulated environment, the case of minimalist devices. ASSC10, 23-26 June, Oxford, UK (poster).
* Lenay, C., Auvray, M., & Sebbah, F. D. (2006). Seeing oneself: Experimental studies of perceptive interactions. ASSC10, 23-26 June, Oxford, UK (poster).
* Auvray, M., Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2006). Crossmodal change blindness between vision and touch.7th Annual Meeting of International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), 18-21 June, Dublin, Ireland (poster).
* Auvray, M., Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2006). Crossmodal change blindness. EPS Birmingham Meeting, 10-12 April, Birmingham, UK.
Auvray, M. (2005). A commentary of Zenon Pylyshyn: “Spatial representation in the mind/brain: Do we need a global topographical map?” Frames of Reference in Spatial Cognition: Diversity, Flexibility and Adaptability, 17-19 November, Paris, France.
* Lenay, C., Auvray, M., Thouvenin, I., & Sebbah, F. D. (2005). Perception of avatars in a space of tactile interaction. 2nd Intuition International Workshop “VR/VE and Industry: Challenges and Opportunities” (ISBN 960-254-658-1), 24-25 November, Paris, France.
Auvray, M. (2005). Spatial perception and sensory substitution. Body Representation Workshop, 30 September, Oxford, UK (Poster).
* Auvray, M., Lenay, C., Hanneton, S., Gapenne, O., & Stewart, J. (2005). Spatial perception and sensory substitution. International Conference on Perception and Action, 5-10 July, Monterey, USA.
* Gapenne, O., Rovira, K., Lenay, C., Stewart, J., & Auvray, M. (2005). Is form perception necessarily tied to specific sensory feedback? International Conference on Perception and Action, 5-10 July, Monterey, USA.
Auvray, M. (2005). Perception spatiale et substitution sensorielle [Spatial perception and sensory substitution]. Journées GDR-STIC Santé, Espace et sa Perception : Application à la Conception des Aides Technologiques aux Déplacements de Déficients Visuels, 10 March, Paris, France.
Auvray, M. (2005). Appropriation d'une prothèse perceptive et constitution de nouveaux espaces de perception et d’action [Appropriation of a perceptual prosthesis and constitution of new spaces of perception and action]. Journée Atelier Rescif, Indétermination du Champ Visuel, Anticipations Catégorielles et Thématisation, 1 February, Paris, France.
* Auvray, M., Hanneton, S., Lenay, C., & O’Regan, J. K. (2004). Exteriorisation in sensory substitution. First Joint Conference of SPP & ESPP, 3-6 July, Barcelona, Spain.
* Auvray, M., Hanneton, S., O’Regan, J. K., & Lenay, C. (2004). Distal attribution in sensory substitution. ASSC8, 25-28 June, Antwerp, Belgium.
Auvray, M., Lenay, C., O’Regan, J. K., & Hanneton, S. (2004). Action et Immersion [Action and immersion]. Séminaire Savoir ce que l’on Fait, 27-31 January, Compiègne, France.
* Auvray, M., Hanneton, S., & O’Regan, J. K. (2003). Localisation, form recognition and emergence of sensation in sensory substitution. ESCOP, 17-20 September, Granada, Spain.
* Auvray, M., Hanneton, S., & O’Regan, J. K. (2003). Localisation and form recognition in sensory substitution. ECVP, 1-5 September, Paris, France. Perception, 32, supplement, 94 (poster).
Auvray, M., O’Regan, J. K., & Hanneton, S. (2003). Repenser la distinction entre nos modalités sensorielles via un dispositif de suppléance perceptive visuo-auditif [Rethinking the definition of our sensory modalities via a visual-to-auditory substitution device]. Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives, 18-20 June, Paris, France.
Khatchatourov, A., & Auvray, M. (2003). L’outil modifie-t’il la perception ou la rend-il possible ? [Does tool modify perception or does it make it possible?]. Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives, 18-20 June, Paris, France.
Auvray, M., O’Regan, J. K., & Hanneton, S. (2003). Apprendre à utiliser un dispositif de substitution sensorielle : les différentes étapes [Learning how to use a sensory substitution device: The different stages]. Séminaire Espaces d’Action, Espaces de Perception, 21-29 January, Compiègne, France.
Auvray, M., Hanneton, S., & O’Regan, J. K. (2002). Stages in the emergence of sensation in sensory substitution. Third Workshop on Multimodal Interaction in Perception, 28-29 October, Paris, France.
Auvray, M., Philipona, D., & O’Regan, J. K. (2001). Tentative d’induire la notion d’espace dans un environnement virtuel simple [Creating the notion of space in a simple virtual environment]. Atelier Perception et Constitution de l’Espace, Journées du RESCIF, 27-28 October, Paris, France.
Auvray, M., Philipona, D., & O’Regan, J. K. (2001). Notion of space and form recognition in a simulated environment. Atelier Genèse de la Perception et de la Notion d’Espace chez le Robot et l’Homme, 18-19 October, Paris, France.
O’Regan, J. K., Clark, J. J., Nadal, J-P., Auvray, M., Bompas, A., & Philipona, D. (2001). Implications of a “sensorimotor” theory of visual phenomenality. International Workshop: Pathways to Abstraction: From Experience to Concept, 10-13 September, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
* Auvray, M., & O’Regan, J. K. (2001). Influence of semantic factors on blindness to progressive changes in visual scenes. ECVP, 26-30 August, Kusadasi, Turkey. Perception, 30, supplement, 44 (poster).